• Sarkarwad


Located in the center of the city, is the architectural delight created by the Maratha rulers offering intricate wood carvings. Sarkarwada served as the administrative headquarters during Peshwa rule. The premise currently houses Government offices and is being renovated by the State Archaeology Department. The main hall on the first floor is completely renovated preserving the Royal Darbar as during the Peshwa Rule. These are built-to-edge courtyard houses with rooms built along central (multi-activity) courtyard opening onto a street. This typology is a fine example of climate control and resulted into the peculiar urban form of narrow shaded streets and public courtyards. Sarkarwada also finds its mention in the history of India as “Nashik Conspiracy Case” wherein Freedom Fighter Anant Khare and other youths were detained for the Jackson Murder case.

Contact Person

Senior Police Inspector
Police Station (Sarkarwada)
Email: ps[dot]swada[dot]nashikcp[at]mahapolice[dot]gov[dot]in


Nearest Airport - Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (250 Km away)
Nearest Railway Station - Nashik (65 Km away)


Min. +32° celsius
Max. +18° celsius

Sarkarwad Map Location